I take a thorough, caring, and accessible approach to all the work I do. I offer a variety of professional editing services, described below (definitions adapted mostly from Editors Canada). You may be seeking some combination of these services. If you aren’t sure exactly which kind of editing you need, ask! We can tailor my services to your requirements.
Substantive Editing
Clarifying and/or reorganizing a manuscript for content and structure.
Stylistic Editing
Clarifying meaning, eliminating jargon, smoothing language, and other line-by-line interventions.
Correcting and making suggestions regarding grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of style; checking for internal mechanical and factual consistency. May also include providing or changing system of citations.
Recommending editorial and design changes to copy-edited and type-set documents, including checking the proof against the edited manuscript, verifying design specifications, and improving visual readability of the formatted text.
Get in touch for more info or to get a price estimate for your next project!
Book Publishing

Metonymy, my project with co-publisher Oliver Fugler, is a Montreal-based press that publishes literary fiction and nonfiction by emerging writers. We try to reduce barriers to publishing for authors whose perspectives are underrepresented in order to produce quality materials relevant to queer, feminist, and social justice communities. We really want to keep gay book lovers satisfied.
Interested in publishing with us, carrying our books, or purchasing them for yourself? Check out our website for more information.
I support clients in creating or updating their websites in order to maximize their potential audiences. I build affordable sites using WordPress, assisting clients in making them responsive for mobile devices and ensuring content optimization for search engines.
Already have an established online presence but need some help to keep it up to date? I also manage blog content, social media profiles, and member newsletters for community groups and small businesses.
Past and ongoing web clients include the following:
- Haircuts for Anyone (website design and build)
- Farha Najah Art (website design and build)
- Meg Leitold, Psychotherapy (website design and build)
- Samuel Singer, Lawyer (website design and build)
- Le Cagibi (website redesign)
- Creative Nonfiction Collective (blog, social media, and newsletter content management)
- Head & Hands (website content management and technical support)
Get in touch for more info or to get a price estimate for your next project!